© 2012. Saidas M. Ranade.


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Mission Vision

Within five years from 2011, the vision is to have a  world-class organization, an independent think tank, not affiliated with any religion or any political party dedicated to the commons. The organization will have a President and at least ten project teams with project team leads developing researching, designing, and developing solutions. Each project team will be diverse and multi-disciplinary.

Anyone with specialized skills that they want to share or with time to support the projects will be able to participate. Each team will also have several interns wanting to learn new skills.  The resulting widgets, tools, models, methods, ideas, systems, techniques and inventions will be shared with the public.

The membership will be open to anyone  with a proven track record of application of transferable skills, desire to make a positive difference, generosity to want to share the skills with others and an interest in transferring the skills.  

Individuals with a passion to make a difference and desire and discipline to learn new skills will also join as associate members.